Talk To Your Mates!
When you’re travelling on the Wallaby or perhaps even just out for the day from home, have you been a bit nervous about calling up and having a conversation with another VKS-737 Subscriber on one of our frequencies? We’ve heard from some that they understood that they needed to keep all our frequencies clear for urgent traffic or sked time reporting only, 24 hours a day. That couldn’t be further from the truth!
VKS-737 Radio Network makes all its frequencies available so that you can keep in touch with VKS-737 bases, family and friends and other subscribers who you might befriend as you travel around.
Our Network runs daily Voice Skeds from various Bases, enabling callers to log their movements, obtain road, weather and other information, report issues and generally keep in touch.
We do ask that our main Voice Sked frequencies be kept clear when Bases are taking calls however, during that time our other frequencies remain available for other traffic.
Outside our Voice Sked times, all our frequencies can be used to keep in touch via HF radio. We just ask that gaps be left between overs to enable anyone with an urgent need to be heard.
Apart from logging into our Base Voice Skeds to report progress, VKS-737 also provides a service that makes direct contact with our Base Operators possible, 24 hours a day by using Selcall facilities. Yes, Subscribers can call various Essential Services direct, but by selcalling our Base Operators through our group selcall facility, much of the work involved in arranging help for whatever problem they encounter can be taken on by our Operators, thereby relieving the stress experienced when trying to arrange help alone. Subscribers call us, telling us what’s wrong and we take over their workload by arranging whatever help they need.
When you’re out on the Wallaby and in trouble, this is where the VKS-737 Radio Network excels!
But making new friends and keeping in touch is also important. Apart from VKS-737 being a Registered Emergency Service, we are also a Community Service and we encourage our travellers to become Community Minded.
VKS-737 is always there!
- 3G mobile phone (2)
- Codan Envoy (6)
- Codan Raffle (5)
- Community Service (19)
- Coronavirus (2)
- COVID-19 (3)
- Environmental (2)
- Fund Raising (2)
- HF-Tel (1)
- High Frequency (35)
- Minelab (5)
- Needing Help (9)
- News (30)
- permits (1)
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- RFDS (7)
- Road Closures (3)
- satellite (2)
- satphones (5)
- Selcall (2)
- Sports (1)
- Travel (11)
- VKS-737 Radio Network (38)
- VKS-737 Subscribers (28)
- what3words (2)